Monday, March 17, 2014

Analogue's joy 2

As some of you may know, we kinda got hooked with analogue photography. And we know, that there are some camera heads out there, who share the same passion as we do, so we will definitely keep it up. A huge factor when shooting analogue is the camera (surprise!). While modern DSLR's are producing very "predictable" pictures, shooting with film is always an adventure and you often don't know how the pictures will turn out. Every analogue camera shoots different pictures and has a different feel of its shots. Using an "old" technology also opens a door to another period of time and it lets us see the world with different eyes. 

The camera that got me into analogue photography was the old Nikon FE of my father. It is a piece from the late 70's and a good allround cam. If you want to educate yourself a little, check this. To get a feeling for the pictures the camera shoots, here are some scans from the very first film I used with the Nikon FE.

Thats the truly beautiful city of Piran on the sleepy Slovenian riviera.

The vibes on this day were perfect, just loads of sun and this hand-made figures moving in the wind.

One of the best things about Vienna, the metro system!

This is one of my favourite shots ever. It just transports the feel of this place so perfectly.

Slovenian krautrock/psychedelia band Srečna Mladina tearing up some basement club.

Do you feel it?

photos and text: David Tiefenthaler

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