Friday, May 23, 2014

Light painting

There is something about analog black & white photography, that is hard to catch, hard to describe. There is a feeling, you will not achieve with a digital SLR camera and each shot is telling you a story, that wouldn't be told if the picture would be coloured. For me, shooting in black and white (and the endless grey tones inbetween) means bringing out the rather raw and art side of photography. And at the end of the day, photography is a damn art; just like painting or making music. It is light painting - photo graphy.

Zagreb, Croatia, train station: so many possible ways to go...

Music engraved in vinyl

A storm passing through....

Juraj taking full advantage of this perfect table/bank setup...

...and getting some booze at another VIE spot.

After the storm

the sun & the glass

photos and text: David Tiefenthaler

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